Sunday, December 14, 2008


Well, I took a big step out of my comfort zone today. I changed my website to announce that I am not only a Feng Shui consultant, but I am also a personal coach and an energy worker. I've been doing these things for the past year surreptitiously, but now I'm out and proud! While this work may not make me the financial super-star of the world, it has the potential to be even more powerful. With my gentle help, my clients will be able to uncover their true natures by peeling away the layers of false beliefs, negative perceptions, and encoded patterns that have been handed down through generational means and mass mindsets. This is powerful stuff, and I'm grateful to have the ability and training to handle it properly. Some folks call what I do being a Lightworker, but to me that sounds a bit odd. After all, we ALL have a glow to our being that can illuminate the darkness, so doesn't that make all of us Lightworkers? I'll just go by Beverly. If you must attempt to contain me in a title, call me a Feng Shui consultant. I'll fill in the gaps for anyone who asks. After all, it's all on my website now,!


  1. I know you have helped me in volumes!

  2. What happened to the young Republican that introduced herself to me in the bathroom freshman year? Things really have changed (and how wonderful those changes are).
