Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Get over it!


You need to read this before knowing what my rant is about.

Ok? Great! Seriously, what kind of nutjob helicopter mom embarrasses herself and her family by threatening a lawsuit over a band job?

I remember when I was in High School, I missed out on getting first place in the State Fair Style Revue because I had a gap in the waistline of my skirt. Actually, I didn't remember that at all, but when I was discussing the previously aforementioned article with my Mom, she reminded me about that distressing event. Apparently, even though my beautiful linen navy blue suit that I had fitted to near perfection had a small gap where my white blouse showed through the space between the zipper and the waistband on the back of my skirt. If I would have moved the hook & eye over just a smidge, I might have received the coveted Grand Champion ribbon!

Alas, my mom failed me. After all, according to her, it was all her fault. She didn't pay enough attention to my details. And, ever since that crushing defeat on the sewing front, my poor self-esteem has never recovered...

So, why did I not remember that? I do know that ever since I can remember, I've had to learn when something is good enough, and how easy it is to get lost in the details. Maybe it was precisely that lesson that helped me to know how to save my sanity by not allowing myself to fall into the pattern of many perfectionists, which is to never start anything that you don't know for a fact that you will succeed in.

I've blown many things in my life! In fact, I've just acknowledged that after 8 years of trying to be a success at network marketing with Southern Living at HOME, it's not working. It's not for me. I used to love the products and the people, but over time I got sidetracked. I put in my time, and made a ton of people happy. So what? I wasn't the world's greatest network marketer, but I was good enough.

Life is too short to make yourself miserable. This woman has chosen to live in her personal hell, and dragged her son and the rest of the school unwillingly. I'm happy that the majority of the school chose not to participate, but what an example of negativity to set.

So, for all of those people who are making excuses for not being happy, my advice is the same: Get Over It! Refocus your eyes and find all of the great things around you! So what that the boy can't put Drum Squad Leader on his college application. He's already gotten accepted at George Washington University!

Darn, maybe that's what cost him Harvard...or maybe it's that Mommy just didn't protest enough.


  1. I was the older sister of a 4H Nationals Style Queen competitor. My mom would never have missed your hook and eye gap, and she's probably matching plaids for the angels in heaven now, because she was the best. That didn't make her or my sister easy to live with in the 4H sewing years!
    At least my mom knew when her part in the coaching was over, and that my sister was responsible for the competition outcome.

  2. So this mom had an "independent band camp judge" valuate her son's performance? OK, right now, I'd like to say to that mom "NO WOMAN IN THE WORLD IS EVER GOING TO WANT TO MARRY YOUR SON IF YOU'RE PART OF THE PACKAGE!"

    You ever read Free Range Kids? I think you might like her blog.

